Yesterday i with Siti Syafawati went to Singapore Expo to watch Ria 89.7Fm.
Both of us so happy to see all the actist like Didicasli,Tuafiq,Nana and more...
And i reached home about 11.30pm..HAHA !Thanked to god,
when i reached home my dad didn't say anything..And this is some photo that i took
with Didicasli And Taufiq...
@ 10:17 PM
@ 10:05 PM
@ 7:07 AM
@ 7:45 AM
@ 7:36 AM
Yeah ! im attached with a guy which same school as me.. haha.
but i wont tell you his name..its already 3days..
and i readlly do love him ! ermmm...
Okey la.. i want to go to bed and sleep
and also dream about him... HEHE..
@ 6:57 AM
Qamarina here...posting behalf of Suaidah...
She actually lazy help her out....huhu.....
nw,i'm bored....let me introduce myself....
name aku Qamarina....this year aku sec 1....
aku ngn suaidah tk samer skolarh.....
aku skolarh Ycss....sementare Suaidah skolarh Shuqun.....
random seyh aku bbl.....haizz...kater bdk boring...l0l...
but seriously...i'm bored....
tapi ppl dun kutuk my scool alrite...
if u dare kutuk my scool,i will kutuk u double....HAHA....l0l...
dun dare me......
l0l...i am so damn bored...nvm i go sleep...bye....
@ 5:16 AM
@ 5:16 AM
Its not my fault.. 1st he staed with me for nothing seyy..i mean that
he has no feeling on me either..just want to played my feeling..
but then im not sad because what's for should i be sad thats kind of guy..
he is really a JERK !
I prefer having a admire by relationship.
change topic !
ermm...This few days im too tired because everydays got tuition sia !
haiyo..but then its good for me
ok la.. i want to go to sleep rite now so good bye !
@ 8:24 AM
Its been so long i never open my blogger.
And i have alots of storys to shares to eu .
Firsly , im in attach with a boy who is so older then mie.HEHE
and i migth going to lose him because next year he is going to poly.. and im really going to miss him !
If ours relationship can last long, i really wants it . Its been 4 weeks ours relationship.
May god bless on us.
Im so happy with my this year classmate .
i really had a great moment with my class 1/1 .
Today i just finished my engliah papers.
1st paper is so hard ! 2nd, okok la..
and i wish i could go to NA next year .
and to get all my subjects 75% and above.
I must really work hard with it .
Why he came back to my life.. for many years he been gone and sunddely came back and
find me. WTH.i wont patch up with him. i had enough of him.and im attach !
and i will act that i dont know him ! and im sick of tried of him .
Alah.. still have alots and millions girls out there are waiting for him..its not
only me he can fall in love with..and he should find a better girl then me..
@ 9:23 AM